Claire Quartet
1. Die erfinderische Lady
Lady of Devices (2011)
2. Die antriebsstarke Lady
Her Own Devices (2011)
3. Die verwegene Lady
Magnificent Devices (2012)
4. Die brilliante Lady
Brilliant Devices (2013)
Mopsies Twin Set
5. A Lady of Resources (2013)
6. A Lady of Spirit (2014)
7. A Lady of Integrity (2014)
8. A Gentleman of Means (2015)
9. Devices Brightly Shining (2015)
Gloria Meriwether-Astor Set
10. Fields of Air (2016)
11. Fields of Iron (2016)
12. Fields of Gold (2017)
Novellas "Manor House and Airship"
13. Carrick House (2018)
14. Selwyn Place (2018)
15. Holly Cottage (2019)
16. Gwynn Place (2019)
17. Acorn (2022)
Spin off von "Magnificent Devices"
1. The Bride Wore Constant White (2018)
2. The Dancer Wore Opera Rose (2018)
3. The Matchmaker Wore Mars Yellow (2019)
4. The Engineer Wore Venetian Red (2020)
5. The Judge Wore Lamp Black (2021)
6. The Professor Wore Prussian Blue (2022)
Die Serie spielt in der Welt und an dern Schauplätzen der "Magnificent Devices"- und "Mysterious Devices"-Serien.
1. The Clockwork City (2023)
2. The Automaton Empress ( )
3. The Engineer's Nemesis ( )
4. The Aeronaut's Heir ( )
5. The Textcan Tinkerer ( )
6. The Wounded Airship ( )
(mit R E Scott)
1. The Emperor's Aeronaut (2022)
2. The Prince's Pilot (2022)
3. The Lady's Triumph (2022)
Zuletzt bearbeitet im September 2023